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Research Brief·Oct 27, 2023

Dictatorship, Higher Education and Social Mobility • Higher Education and Mortality: Legacies of an Authoritarian College Contraction • The Intergenerational Transmission of Higher Education: Evidence from the 1973 Coup in Chile

Maria Angélica Bautista, Felipe González, Luis Martínez, Pablo Muñoz, and Mounu Prem
Following the coup of 1973 that brought military dictatorship to Chile under Augusto Pinochet’s rule, enrollment in higher education fell...
Topics: Development Economics
Research Brief·Oct 3, 2023

Private Actions in the Presence of Externalities: The Health Impacts of Reducing Air Pollution Peaks but not Ambient Exposure

Joshua Dean and Susanna B. Berkouwer
According to the World Health Organization, air pollution is “the single biggest environmental threat to human health.” The Global Burden...
Topics: Development Economics, Energy & Environment, Health care
Research Brief·May 26, 2023

Gang Rule: Understanding and Countering Criminal Governance

Christopher Blattman, Gustavo Duncan, Benjamin Lessing, and Santiago Tobón
Criminal organizations are pervasive. In many cities globally, gangs serve critical functions by enforcing social order and property rights, often...
Topics: Development Economics
Multimedia·May 24, 2023

Day 3 – Opening High Level Plenary (AIM for Climate Summit)

Michael Kremer
Multimedia·Apr 28, 2023

Innovations in Market Design

In the twenty years since UChicago’s Rachel Glennerster and Michael Kremer proposed Advanced Market Commitments (AMCs) to address neglected tropical...
Research Brief·Dec 1, 2022

Measuring Religion from Behavior: Climate Shocks and Religious Adherence in Afghanistan

Oeindrila Dube, Joshua E. Blumenstock, and Michael Callen
A new measure of religious adherence, developed using cell phone data, shows that when economic conditions in Afghanistan worsen, people...
Research Brief·Oct 18, 2022

Calculating the Costs and Benefits of Advance Preparations for Future Pandemics

Rachel Glennerster, Christopher M. Snyder, and Brandon Joel Tan
Without additional action we should expect to lose an average of at least $800 billion every year to future pandemics....
Topics: COVID-19
Multimedia·Apr 27, 2022

Policy Innovation through Experimentation (for Development): Drawing on Lessons from Public Policy in China and the Chilean Government

This event featured two case studies on policy innovation through experimentation (for development). David Yang, Associate Professor of Economics at...
Multimedia·Apr 26, 2022

Innovation, Experimentation, and Economics: Keynote Address by Michael Kremer

Michael Kremer
In this lecture, Nobel laureate Michael Kremer, University Professor at the University of Chicago, discussed why innovation is important for...