Religious adherence has been hard to study in part because it is hard to measure. We develop a new measure of religious adherence, which is granular in both time and space, using anonymized mobile phone transaction records. After validating the measure with traditional data, we show how it can shed light on the nature of religious adherence in Islamic societies. Exploiting random variation in climate, we find that as economic conditions in Afghanistan worsen, people become more religiously observant. The effects are most pronounced in areas where droughts have the biggest economic consequences, such as croplands without access to irrigation.

Working Paper·Jul 7, 2021

How Much Should We Trust the Dictator’s GDP Growth Estimates?

Luis Martínez
Topics: Uncategorized
Working Paper·Apr 29, 2021

The Forging of a Rebel

Gauthier Marchais, Christian M. Mugaruka, Raul Sanchez de la Sierra, David Qihang Wu
Topics: Uncategorized
Working Paper·Apr 8, 2021

On the Ends of the State: Stationary Bandits and the Time Horizon in Eastern Congo

Soeren J. Henn, Christian Mastaki Mugaruka, Miguel Ortiz, Raul Sanchez de la Sierra, David Qihang Wu
Topics: Uncategorized